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Quick Lit | Read in April 2016

Quick Lit | Read in April 2016

Ok, so I loved the book Gone Girl. What I don't love is every subsequent thriller novel that involves a married couple gets compared to it.


Before We Met had an awesome premise. Hannah Reilly meets the seemingly perfect man of her dreams, Mark, and get married quickly after a whirlwind romance. They've got  a great marriage, professional success, and a comfortable lifestyle. Until Mark doesn't come home after one business trip. Hannah initially has no reason to believe that anything fishy is going on, but she can't help but pull at the thread until the whole sweater unravels. Which might be the best thing she's ever done.

I was engaged throughout because I kept wondering what the hell was going on, and was right along with Hannah trying to figure out what was true and what was false. Once I figured it out, the story went where I thought it would. I found the ending to be unsatisfying. It was a bit off the wall yet somehow also was wrapped up way too quickly! Man. What a letdown. It had a lot of promise, too. 

That said, I was still entertained and I enjoyed the author's writing style. I'd give Lucie Whitehouse another try. 

Quotable: Nothing! And I love quotes.

Rating: 3 out of 5

I was such a fan of this book! I like Aziz Ansari's comedy and thought this would be an extension of that and a memoir about how he got to where he is. Nope! It's a look at modern romance (hence the title...) and a lot of research went into it. He starts by sharing a bit about his own experience with romance and how confusing it can be when you're trying to date in an era where everyone is so accessible. He (along with a NYU sociologist) explores love in the past, in other countries, and through people's phones. It was a quick, fun read and I definitely recommend it on audio.

Rating: 4 out of 5

I also read Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter by Marissa Meyer in April. Oh my stars. It’s YA fantasy that’s loosely based on Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Rapunzel and takes place in outer space. These were entertaining fro both adults and kids- it’s a great story.

Thank you to Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy for hosting the linkup! 

TBR & TBD | New and Noteworthy June 2016

TBR & TBD | New and Noteworthy June 2016