Welcome to TBR Etc., a book recommendation blog.

Talking all things books and reading. Easily distracted by new releases.

Six New Books on my TBR List | TBR Mix and Mingle

Six New Books on my TBR List | TBR Mix and Mingle

Six New Books on my TBR List | TBR Etc.

I’m linking up with Literary Quicksand, Rachel at Never Enough Novels, and Allison at My Novel Life -the co-hosts of TBR Mix ‘n Mingle. The first Wednesday of each month they share the books they’re planning to read for the month.

I’m big on library holds and mood reading, so it’s tough to predict what I’ll read in a given month. The photo above shows the books that I’d like to read, but I think I’m going to to a spin on the TBR Mix ‘n Mingle and share the latest book I’ve added to my to read list. Sarah at Sarah’s Book Shelves has an awesome reading tracker that has been a game changer for my TBR- I can finally keep track of not only the books that I want to read, but what made me add it to the list.

Little | Edward Carey | Megan @WhatMeganReads convinced me to add this to my list. I’ve heard of Madame Tussaud like so many of us have, from the wax museum. I did not know she was a real person!

Blonde | Joyce Carol Oates | I really want to branch out with my reading next year. I’ve never read anything by Joyce Carol Oates and when I saw @podsticles post of the beautiful cover of Marilyn, I added it immediately.

Bring It On Home: Peter Grant, Led Zeppelin, and Beyond | Mark Blake | This is a pretty niche choice, but I’m a big Led Zeppelin fan and after seeing Bohemian Rhapsody, I’m so into knowing more about the behind the scenes of my favorite band.

We Were the Lucky Ones | Georgia Hunter | I got this recommendation from Tara @runningnreading. I typically am not drawn to WWII books, but knowing that the author comes from a family of Holocaust survivors added another layer.

Newcomer: A Mystery | Keigo Higashino | I am always looking for more mysteries and thrillers written by authors of color and got this recommendation from Liberty Hardy on All The Books. This is a classic whodunit where everyone in town’s a suspect.

Scribe | Alyson Hagy | I got this recommendation from Indie Next. Scribe is set in dystopian Appalacia following the Civil War- love the premise, but the killer cover doesn’t hurt.

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Weekend Reads | Links I Love for Week 50 | 12.14.18

Weekend Reads | Links I Love for Week 50 | 12.14.18

Best of the Backlist | Eight Books That Are Not New To Add to Your TBR List

Best of the Backlist | Eight Books That Are Not New To Add to Your TBR List