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Updated! November 2020

I've been on a mission.

I kept seeing these amazing rainbow Stephen King books all over Instagram, and I needed them. I own quite a few Stephen King books already, but something about the dichotomy between how sweet these covers and spines look and how dark his books can be made these editions extra enticing.

I did what any normal person would do- Googled, pastel Stephen King spines. Nothing. Colorful Stephen King? Not quite. I searched the tag Stephen King spines on Instagram and basically stalked down several photos until I could come up with the publisher-it's Hodder & Stoughton.

Update 4/2019- 7 down, many to go.

To make a long story short, I basically toggled between Instagram, Amazon, Book Depository, and AbeBooks and realized that these editions are from the U.K. and came out in 2007. To save you the trouble, I wanted to put together a list.

Disclaimer: The books that I ordered are used, so the quality will vary! Also, the links below are affiliate links so I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase.

The Complete List of Stephen King Hodder Paperbacks | Rainbow Stephen King Books

Update 11/2020- Links below are to Amazon. I added the ISBN numbers so you can find them on your own in case the links become outdated.

'Salem's Lot ISBN | 0340951478
The Bachman Books ISBN | 9780340952252
Bag of Bones ISBN | 0340951427
Blaze ISBN | 9780340952245
Carrie ISBN | 0340951419
Cell ISBN | 0340921536
Christine ISBN | 0340951400 
Cujo ISBN | 0340952709
The Dark Half ISBN | 034095261X
The Dead Zone   ISBN | 0340952687
Desperation ISBN | 0340952652
Different Seasons ISBN | 0340952601
Dolores Claiborne  ISBN | 0340952636
Dreamcatcher  ISBN | 0340952407
Duma Key ISBN | 0340978031
Everything’s Eventual ISBN | 9780340952597
Eyes of the Dragon ISBN | 9780340952726
Firestarter  ISBN | 0340952695
From a Buick 8 | ISBN 9780340952665
Gerald's Game  ISBN | 0340952776
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon ISBN | 0340952385
Insomnia ISBN | 0340952792
IT ISBN | 0340951451
Lisey's Story ISBN | 034089895X
Misery ISBN |  0340951435
Night Shift ISBN | 0340952679
Nightmares and Dreamscapes ISBN | 0340952784
Needful Things ISBN | 0340952768
Pet Sematary ISBN | 034095146X
The Regulators ISBN | 9780340952276
Rose Madder ISBN | 0340952644
Running Man ISBN | 0340952288
The Shining ISBN | 0340951397
Skeleton Crew ISBN | 0340952628
The Stand ISBN | 0340951443
The Talisman ISBN | 0340952717
Thinner | ISBN 0340952261
The Tommyknockers ISBN | 0340952733

And there you have it! I hope this was helpful. I can't wait to get a nice sized collection of these going. Is there anything I missed? Let me know!

I'm also interested in these Gallery Books versions... but one collection at a time, yes? (Full list of those can be found here!)

What do you think? Is it worth it to you to collect different versions of your favorite book, or is owning one copy enough?