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TBR & TBD | September 2017

Welcome, September! There are two types of people in this world. Those that argue "What's with all the pumpkin?! Fall doesn't start until the end of September!" and these:

I'll let you guess which type I am. 

In addition to all pumpkin everything, Fall also brings a lot of exciting new releases! I have my eye on quite a few books this month, but the ones I'm most interested in are below. 

 TBR 1 | Sleeping Beauties | Stephen King | Release Date, September 26th, 2017

File this under books that I've already pre-ordered... A new Stephen King! This one is a father/son collaboration between King and his son Owen. The story centers on a central question: what would happen to the world if women ceased to exist? It seems like we'll be finding out, as something is happening to the women when the fall asleep. When they're asleep, they become shrouded in a cocoon like web, and if they're awakened, they become crazy. However, one woman, Eve Black, seems to be immune to whatever is happening to the other women. Is she the answer to this condition, or something to be afraid of? I've never met a King book that I didn't like, so I'm expecting to like this one too. Plus, Fall is the perfect time to read spooky books so I'm looking forward to this. The description gives me Bird Box meets The Handmaid's Tale. Plus, that's a gorgeous cover...

TBR 2 | What Happened | Hillary Rodham Clinton | Release Date: September 12th, 2017

Oh look, another pre ordered book. I don't know if I'm ready to read this, but getting an insight into the election from Hillary's point of view is worth it. I am super curious to see what she is going to disclose. She says that in the past she's felt like she has to be careful in public. Careful with what she says, how she says it. And what women out there hasn't felt that at some point? It says this is her most personal memoir yet, and I really hope she has come up with something that she's really proud of. And if it's as personal and in depth as they say, all the better. 

TBR 3 | Little Fires Everywhere | Celeste Ng | Release Date: September 12th

Doesn't this have a beautiful cover? I've been trying to read more books by female authors and more books by authors of color. As much as I love my thrillers/ Girl from the wherever books, I do find I enjoy getting perspectives from authors and characters that have background that are different from my own. I haven't read Ng before, but I've heard great things. She's also someone I really enjoy following on Twitter. 

Little Fires Everywhere is set in the suburbs of Cleveland in an affluent, white bread suburb. No one is willing to upend the status quo, that is, until Mia and her daughter Pearl move into a rental home in the area. It's a story about prejudice, neighbors, secrets, and understanding. I honestly don't know what to expect from this, but I'm excited to find out. 

TBR 4 | The Girl Who Takes an Eye For an Eye | David Lagercrantz | Release Date, September 12th, 2017

Lisbeth Salander is back! Book 5 of Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series is coming out this month. As you may know, Stieg Larsson wrote the first three books in the "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" series, but sadly passed away. David Lagercrantz picked up the story and continued with the same characters. Lisbeth Salander is bad ass. One of the things that I like about this series is that it can get really dark and nihilistic, which I don't always see in literature. 

TBD | The Salt Line | Holly Goddard Jones | Release Date, September 5th, 2017

The Salt Line sounds so interesting to me. It's post-apocalyptic. There are deadly ticks on one side of the salt line and the majority of people are happy to stay in their safe, if limited, community. There are some, though, that prefer to eschew their safety to explore what's left of the world.  It's being described as Station Eleven meets The Godfather with female characters. I'm skeptical though. I hope it's not like The Wanderers...in that it's supposed to be about one thing but ends up being all character development and no action. I need a bit more action in my dystopia. We'll see.... this is why it's on my TBD list.

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