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March 2018 Etc.

I'm going to get better at wrapping up every month. I plan to share bookish news like buzzed about new releases and books I've bought for the month as well as things that aren't necessarily book related. I'd also love it if you told me your recent favorites! 


All We Ever Wanted | Emily Giffin | Goodreads tells me I've read everything Emily Giffin has ever published! I loved her early books (the Something Borrowed series) but downright hated some of her newer stuff (The One & Only). However, I definitely added All We Ever Wanted to my must read list because when her stories hit, they're great. 

Bridge of Clay | Markus Zusak | I need not know anything else about this other than it's the latest from the author of one of my favorite books of all time, The Book Thief. His first since 2005! 

Girls' Night Out | Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke | I love these authors. These two introduced me into buddy writing and are great with engaging with readers on Instagram. 


I went a little overboard this month, but I visited several new to me bookstore and had to support them! I was also luckily enough to be sent a couple of ARCs for review. 

The Favorite Sister, Jessica Knoll | A thriller with a reality show as its backdrop? It's like it was tailor made for me. 

The Nightingale, Kristin Hannah | I tried this once and didn't get very far, but I got a gorgeous hardcover for $3 and couldn't pass it up. 

The Virgin Suicides, Jeffrey Eugenides | Celebrated its 25th anniversary this month!

Bel Canto, Anne Patchett | I hear such good things about this author and haven't read a book of hers yet! This synopsis sounds so compelling. 

Every Body Yoga, Jessamyn Stanley | I'd love to get into yoga but I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm every body.

The Dry, Jane Harper | A 5 start mystery that's the first in a series!

This Will Be My Undoing, Morgan Jerkins | A memoir about "living in the intersection of black, female, and feminist in (White) America. Sign me up. 

Not That I Could Tell, Jessica Strawser | You had me at "for fans of Big Little Lies". 

I'll Be Gone In the Dark , Michelle McNamara | I first borrowed this from the library, but the writing is so rich and detailed it's taking me a bit to get through. And I don't mind one bit. This is one of the best true crime books I've come across, so I definitely wanted to add to my shelf. 

Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyeme | I had to buy this book as soon as I heard about it- it's a West African fantasy inspired debut.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo | Heh

AROUND #Bookstagram 

scared_str8 <-- The funnest captions with a beautiful NYC backdrop. 

acourtofcrownsandquills <--- Holy colors!! 

whatshepictures <---Not a bookstagram account, but my god the beautiful flat lays! With how to's.

readwithkatie <---White background done right.

deebibliophelia <---A lifestyle bookstagram hybrid!


My two favorite products for the month go hand in hand. First, I know I mentioned wireless headphones in my last post, but I found a different pair this month that I like even more than my Beats. Apple Air Pods. I'l admit. When I first saw these IRL, I thought they looked so lame. I figured they'd fall out of my ears and that I'd lose them immediately. HOWEVER, they are the most convenient wireless headphones I've ever used. They connect to my phone immediately (something I CANNOT say for the Beats). The sound quality is great- but if I'm being honest, I'm mostly listening to podcasts and audiobooks so I don't know how they'd work for someone who's truly into music. They are very comfortable and I can wear for even longer than the Beats. They connect to my phone and I can use them to make calls. The case itself is charging so mine never run out of charge.... I really could go on and on. If you're at all interested, go to an Apple store and try them out! I love using audiobooks to help me do errands around the house and I've started to wear them when waiting in line and grocery shopping because #introvert. New favorite! 

Along the same lines... between the Apple Watch, my iPhone, and the AirPods the bedside charging situation was getting out of control. I wanted something to streamline the situation. Enter this 3 In One charging station. I'll admit, it was a pain to set up but one it got going I love the minimalist look to it. I know this is a pretty specific product, but if you have all of these things you won't regret this charging set up. 


I binge listened to two podcasts this month! Discovering new podcasts is the best, especially when their back catalog is short enough to feel like you don't have to do a ton of work to get caught up.

In By The Book I feel like I made two new best friends. Jolenta and Kristen are so wonderful to listen to. They pick a self- help book and live it to the letter for two weeks. Their husbands are absolute gems and are supportive through the process, and they do wrap up episodes to let us know if any new habits stick. They're on break for now and I'm waiting with bated breath for them to come back

If you know anything about me, you know that I'm obsessed with skincare and makeup. Forever 35 is another podcast hosted by two women who are friends. They share their love self care, which includes for serums and face masks. They bring on to interesting guests about their habits and items that they've been using. Warning- this podcast is likely to make you spend some money on yourself! 


A plug-in that helps you check books out quickly from the library! When you Google a book the plug-in automatically links to your library so you can add it to your list. 

This recipe- we've made it about once a week this month. 

Any List- My favorite new app. This makes grocery shopping and meal planning a breeze! 

The Confession Tapes on Netflix- I've only gotten through the first two episodes, but holy cats. Think mini versions of Making a Murderer. 

What were your favorite discoveries this month? 

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