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Four Book Friday | Bookish Bloggers Unite Introduction

I'm trying something new today! I recently became a Book Riot Insider , and one of the perks of being an Epic member is access to an insider only forum on Slack. Through this, I was connected with other fellow book bloggers and we thought it might be fun to do a weekly link up for #BookishBloggersUnite. Posts will (generally) go up every Friday and the blog host will rotate. For our first week, I'm linking up with Katy at The Bookish Cronk. To kick things off, we're doing a "getting to know you" post. Any one is welcome to join, so if you've been looking to a link up now's your chance! There's going to be a different topic every week. 

Getting to know me:

1) Who/what got you into reading? That would be my mom. I'm an only child, so growing up I hung around mom a lot. She's an avid reader and we were always going to the library and used bookstores. I was able to amass a pretty nice sized collection of books from a young age. (I wish I could find my Babysitters Club and Goosebumps books!)

2) What are your favorite genres?  I'm pretty consistent with what I read and I wouldn't consider myself someone who reads widely. I tend to gravitate and prefer contemporary fiction, thrillers, and mysteries. 

3) What are your least favorite genres? I don't know that I have any least favorite genres... just genres I haven't met yet :) If I had to pick, I think I'd say romance. 

4) How do you organize your bookshelves? I love my bookshelves! We have two in our living room- one for paperbacks and one for hard covers. I also have one shelf within that contains library books and books on my immediate TBR.

My shelves are rainnow! I know a lot of people have issue with rainbow because it's hard to find specific texts, but I never feel like I'm searching too long to find something. Maybe that'll be a problem when my collection is bigger, but it works for now. 

5) What is the next book on your TBR that you're excited about? Sunburn by Laura Lippman. It's a psychological suspense novel about two strangers running away from something who intersect at just the right time. But if we're being honest... I want to grab this because I'm a sucker for a good cover. Really. It's a sickness.

6) What is your favorite book to recommend that isn't a common recommendation to new readers? I love this question! Since I'm on Bookstagram and listen to a lot of book related podcasts, I find that some of the same books get recommended over and over again. Offhand, I love to recommend Matt Haig's The Humans. I listened on audio and am tempted to read it again, which rarely happens for me.

7) What is your favorite book cover of all time? This is such a tough question! I'm sure I'll change my mind later, but I really love the cover of In a Dark Dark Wood. I love the black and white, the graphic pattern, and it's also got a really nice texture. 

8) Hardcovers or Paperbacks or eBooks or audio books? Hardcovers > eBooks > Audiobooks > Paperbacks, in that order. 

To tie these posts into my usual Four Book Friday content, I'm also sharing Four Books Written by  Bloggers. It's kind of incredible to think about being able to parlay blog writing skills into a novel. I don't know that I'm creative enough to write a book, but part of the reason I started this blog was because I had just finished my dissertation and didn't want to lose my writing skills. 

Reading People | Anne Bogel | You may know Anne from her blog, Modern Mrs Darcy or from her podcast What Should I Read Next. What I didn't know before reading this was that she's such a personality buff! Part memoir, part self- help, and lots of personality discussion, I felt like I got to know myself and those around me better after reading this. 

The Happiness Project | Gretchen Rubin | I read this a couple of years back and was charmed by it. The title tells you what it's all about- one year, Gretchen Rubin decides to really take a look and figure out what things are working for her, what truly brings her joy, and what she can let go. I loved reading about her process- identifying what brings you joy might not be as easy as you think. If you like The Happiness Project, there's more where that came from. She also has The Four Tendencies, Happier at Home, and more.

The Wife, The Maid, and The Mistress | Ariel Lawhon | This was a really entertaining mystery based on a true story. Judge Crater stepped into a cab in the 1930s, never to be seen again. Lawhon creates a story and ties together some of the clues that were known- cash envelopes, gangsters, theatre tickets- and infuses life into the story via her characters. She's got a new book coming out next month, too, I Was Anastasia.

A Thousand Perfect Notes | C. G. Drews | I first heard about Cait from Bookstagram, Paperfury. She has the most incredible, colorful feed and her captions always make me laugh. When I started to read her blog, I came across a post about why you should become a book blogger that really stuck with me. She made the excellent point that having a blog can help you practice your writing skills and build your fan base, should you wish to become a published writer in the future. I can honestly say this post gave me the kick I needed to start my own blog (thank, Cait!) I'm so excited for her to publish her first novel (out this June!)

That's all for now. Looking forward to reading the rest of the posts from #BookishBloggersUnite!

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