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Quick Lit | March 2018

This was an exciting reading month, because I finally got to several books that I've had on my list since last year and two ARCs (copies of books before they publish) that I really enjoyed. Time for a monthly wrap up! Linking up with Anne  Modern Mrs Darcy, as always.

Let Me Lie | Clare Mackintosh

This had all of the classic Clare Mackintosh signatures- a bit of a mystery with one of the viewpoints being from a detective and huge plot twists at a couple of points in the story. However (I hate to say it), it started off too slow and melancholy for me and I found the ending to be a stretch. I still liked it and really enjoyed the twists- I just wouldn't call it the best thriller I've read. Still worth a read- the writing is strong, I really liked Murray and I did find myself pulled to finish- but not at the top of my favorites list.

The Secret History | Donna Tartt

This book is so well loved and I'm happy I finally got around to it. I LOVE the opening sentence: "The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation." I was sucked in once I got going, but it took me a minute to get over how pretentious the group was. I get it now, though, and I found this to be a very well crafted book. Hard to believe it's a debut!

The Wedding Date | Jasmine Guillory

This was such a great palette cleanser! Alexa and Drew get stuck in a hotel elevator together and find an instant connection. Drew is about to go to a wedding of an ex girlfriend, without a date. On impulse, he asks Alexa to go with him and their relationship goes from there. Alexa is one of my favorite characters I've read in awhile and I loved that they were in an interracial relationship! If you're looking for something to get you out of a reading slump, this might do the trick.

You Are A Badass | Jen Sincero

A friend told me to read this book and I'm happy that he did! Jen Sincero is success coach (a fact which, if I'm being honest, made me roll my eyes at first) but once I found out how she got there and heard how authentic her writing voice is, I was in. This was one of those that I read with a pen in hand. I know there's so many of these self help self affirmation books out there, but I found this to be one of the better. It's more Big Magic than The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F&#^ Have you read this? What's your favorite 'self-help' book?

The Dry | Jane Harper

Another one of those books that I've been meaning to read! The Dry was absolutely wonderful. Federal Agent Aaron Faulk  has returned home to his small Australian hometown to attend the funeral of his best friend. His best friend who, has apparently, murdered his entire family. Aaron hasn't been home in years, mainly because the last time he was there he and his father were moving away because he got accused for having a hand in a young girl's murder. The writing was tight, the setting was vivid, and I'm so happy this is a series. The Dry came out early 2017 and her sequel, Force of Nature, was just released and I can't wait to check it out. 

The Last Mrs. Parrish | LIV Constantine

This was a Reece Witherspoon book club pick, and as such it took forever for my library hold to come in. I'd like to say it was worth the wait, but I'd have to say this was just ok to me. Amber Patterson is a con artist. She has had a rough time and is tired of scraping and skimping to get the life that she deserves. So, she sets her sights on Daphne Parrish's life. More importantly, she's set her sights on Daphne Parrish's husband, millionaire Jackson Parrish. It was run reading about how Amber ingratiated herself into the Parrish family, and this was a page turner. The part that left me wanting was the writing. I will say I've been reading a ton of really well written books lately, so that might be why this one stood out as less then. Who am I to question Reece's picks? :)

Sometimes I Lie | Alice Feeney

My favorite from this month! Just check out this intro- My name is Amber Reynolds. There are three things you should know about me: 1. I’m in a coma. 2. My husband doesn’t love me anymore. 3. Sometimes I lie.It's smart, well written, and very fast paced. Thisad me going until the very end! Go pick up. It just came out this week and very much lives up to the "next Gone Girl" hype!

That's it from me! What have you been reading? 

Oh- and I finally made a Facebook page. I'd love it if you would Like it! Links below.