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Recently Read | Quick Lit | March 2019

Recently Read | Quick Lit | March 2019

Question for you guys! I was taking a look back through my posts, and I write a lot about upcoming new releases and wrap ups of what I’ve been reading. Is there anything in particular that you’d like to see from me? More book reviews, lists, bookstagram tips, nonfiction, audiobook recommendations, etc? Any/all feedback would be appreciated!

Something has shifted, and I’m afraid I’m not the speed reader I once was. I liked all of the books I read this month, but some of them were pretty heavy so it took awhile. I’ve also got a bit of a shorter commute and have had something going on during what feels like every weekend, so catching up on my reading has been a challenge. Here is what I have finished!

Long Walk to Freedom | Nelson Mandela

I’m not quite sure what made me pick this one up. Of course I knew who Nelson Mandela was, but I didn’t know a ton about his early life and his time in prison. This is an incredible story. He’s led such a remarkable life and was a great companion book for Born a Crime- it really helped crystalize why, in fact, it was such a big deal for a mixed race person to exist in South Africa during Trevor Noah’s early years. I listened to Long Walk to Freedom on audio and while it was great narration- I do which I would have read it, because the audiobook I read was abridged. I also learned the difference between autobiography and memoir- in theory, memoirs are supposed to cover a particular time in an author’s life (Born a Crime for Noah’s early years) vs spanning an author’s entire life, as Long Walk to Freedom did. I suppose I knew this on some level, but seeing this labeled as a biography really made me consider the definition. English major, I was not.

The Drawing of the Three | Stephen King

I finished Book Two in the Dark Tower Series- The Drawing of the Three! I’m in it now. If book one was all about learning who The Gunslinger is, book two is learning about the rest of his companions that will take him to the tower. I’d by lying if I said I really understood where the series is going, but I’m definitely enjoying the ride.

Black Klansman: Race, Hate, and the Undercover Investigations of a Lifetime | Ron Stallworth

Ron Stallworth was the first black detective in the Colorado Springs Police Department. He found a way to direct speak to members of the Klan after uncovering a classified ad looking for members in his area. Along with his white partner, Chuck, he infiltrates the group. I liked this- but didn’t necessarily love it. I dont know how I could love it. What the organization stands for is devestating and while I’m glad Stallworth got to play a role in suppressing this type of violence in his community, I wish he would have been able to take things further. I’m sure he does, too. (Did you see the movie? I still have to!)

The Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides

This was a huge hit for me! A psychologist takes a job at a mental hospital so he can work with a very famous (alleged) murderess. Alicia is supposed to have murdered her husband, but ever since she was caught standing over his body, she’s refused to talk. Theo is a bit obsessive and believes he can be the one to get her to tell the story of what happened- the book manages to walk that very thin line of believeability. Really fun psychological suspense!

Daisy Jones and the Six | Taylor Jenkins Reid

This will be one of my favorites of the year. I already loved the author from The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and 70s rock is my jam. Daisy comes from a world of money but has the undeniable star power and voice to propel her to the top. She gets set up with the band, The Six and when they were on top of the world, they unexpectedly broke up. This is told in a “behind the music” type expose, and I LOVED it for that. Loved the characters, the story, and the writing. I highlighted so many passages.

Tell me: What’s worse to bounce back from? A string of books that were hard to get into, or a major book hangover from a book you loved?

March 2018 Quick Lit

March 2017 Quick Lit

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